Counselling Services

A Child's Song offers specialized counselling for children, youth, parents, family groups, adult adoptees and former youth in care as well as professionals. Every member of our team is trauma and attachment informed, adoption and foster care competent and equipped to support anyone in crisis.

Social Workers

Everyday Social Workers make decisions to protect the best interests of vulnerable and marginalized people across our communities. Social Workers advocate fiercely in a time where needs outweigh the resources and support available. They regularly witness the deep pain, fear, and sadness adults, children and youth experience when faced with incredible and unexpected losses and […]

Adult Adoptees

Counselling for adult adoptees addresses lifelong processing of adoption experiences, offering a safe space to navigate unexpected reactions, memories, and parenting considerations with adoption-competent therapists.


Adolescent counselling at A Child's Song focuses on enhancing the youth's felt safety and attachment with a supportive figure, involving parents in proactive strategies for secure relationships.

Group Counselling

Child Parent Relationship Therapy, a 10-session program, enhances parent-child bonds through structured playtimes, fostering empathy, self-esteem, and improved communication, with adaptability for adoptive families.

Foster Family

Foster parent counselling addresses the rewarding yet challenging aspects of fostering, emphasizing unconditional love, navigating challenging behaviors, and supporting parents in processing their own experiences for healthier caregiving.

Adoptive Family

Adoptive family counselling at A Child's Song emphasizes parent-child therapies, including Watch, Wait, Wonder and Child Parent Relationship Therapy, fostering enduring relationships through play-based interventions and structured sessions.

Consultation Services

We offer a variety of different consultation services at A Child's Song. Our trauma, attachment and permanency competent team is available to guide individuals, parents and professionals through important transitions, life-changing experiences or ensuring effective community support.

Birthplace Visit Planning

Adoption consultants assist parents in planning and preparing for birthplace visits with internationally adopted children, addressing concerns about the child's reactions and supporting emotional readiness.

Extended Family Meetings

Extended Family Consultations assist adoptive families in introducing adoption to their extended relatives, addressing questions, fostering understanding, and facilitating discussions about roles in supporting the adoption journey.

Transition And Post Placement

A Child's Song provides Adoption Transitioning Consultations, aiding in the challenging process of transitioning a child from foster care to adoptive family, and Post Adoption Parent Consultations for addressing behavior, attachment, and family concerns.


Pre-Adoption Parent Consultations assist prospective adoptive parents in exploring various adoption pathways, addressing concerns about a child's pre-adoption experiences, and understanding the impact on the entire family.



Our program offers mentoring to adopted BIPOC youth and those in care, pairing them with trained mentors who share similar backgrounds. Unlike counselling, mentoring focuses on empathic sharing of experiences, especially beneficial for those in bi-racial families. Activities include music, games, and storytelling, fostering self-understanding, advocacy skills, and better family and community relationships. Sessions last 50 minutes and can be online or in-person.
Mon-Sat 9am - 4pm
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