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The RESPECT handout offers six strategies for maintaining a strong parent-teen relationship.

Staying Connected to Children with Trauma

Over many years of supporting families raising children with trauma, I have noticed some common themes in my conversations with parents. I thought it might be helpful to summarize them in a way that inspires you to try something new today.  Here are 5 Tips for Staying Connected.

Attachment Theory in Action (Andrea Chatwin Explores Sleep Related Issues in Children)

Mission for March: The Power of Attunement in Parent Child Relationships

This guide book will walk YOU through a 31 day challenge in the month of March to really notice your child's observable behaviors in a way that helps you become more familiar with the thoughts, feelings and needs the behavior is communicating. 

Parenting Children with Sleep Disruptions

What is Bedtime so Hard? This article that appeared in Fostering Families Today magazine March/April 2019 rethinks sleep issues with a trauma-informed approach.

Family Calm Down Handout

Foster family calmness with these diverse activities, from reading a book and taking a bath to drawing, using a fidget stress ball, and engaging in yoga stretches, emphasizing the importance of sharing calmness when little ones are overwhelmed by big emotions.

Quick Suggestions for Parenting in Biracial Homes

Dr. Lisa Gunderson provides concise suggestions, such as taking online classes, reading books by racialized authors, and attending events by minoritized groups; she recommends specific books and media, including a documentary on masculinity and related content on Netflix

Five Things Your Teacher Needs to Know about Attachment

Securely attached children are more confident and efficient learners because their minds are free from the primary task of attaching and able to focus on absorbing new concepts. Securely attached children are also better able to stay regulated in spite of the daily challenges they will encounter in a learning environment. Teachers can contribute to securing attachment in several ways.


Home for Every Child

Home for Every Child believes that EVERY CHILD belongs in a loving family and that a loving family EXISTS for EACH AND EVERY CHILD. However, various and numerous barriers often keep these families and children from coming together. Our mission is to minimize those barriers.

The Attachment and Sleep resource is a podcast. Can we add another drop down under resources called Podcasts. I will then be able to add other podcasts that I think would be helpful for families.

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Adoptive Families Association of BC

Adoptive Families Association of BC AFABC supports the adoption community at all ages and stages through education, counselling, family events, and advocacy. For over 40 years, the Adoptive Families Association of BC has been dedicated to finding families for children and to providing ground breaking programs that support the entire adoption community. We provide province-wide support and education if you are beginning to think about adoption, if you have decided to adopt, and if you have already had a child or children join your family.

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Black Girls Magazine

Black Girls Magazine is a magazine written by and for black girls. Founder and Director Annette Bazira-Okafor wanted her daughter to see herself in the magazines she would flip through and the dress-up apps she would play with. She invited a group of girls in the Toronto area to start writing for the magazine which now puts out two issues each year. She is currently expanding the magazine to develop a new teen edition. You can subscribe to this magazine through their website. If your daughter is interested in writing for this magazine please contact our office and we will be happy to provide you with more information.

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